Angeliqe Camille Chastain
"Young men's love lies not in their hearts, but in their eyes"
-Romeo and Juliet

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some acheive great, and some have greatness trust upon them"
-William Shakespeare

First Name: Angelique
Middle Name: Camille
Surname: Chastain
Nicknames: Angel, Dove
Age: 23
D.O.B. August 13th, 2000
Place of Birth: Paris, France

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual, bi-curious
Ethnicity: French
Nationality: French
Race: Human
Languages: French, English, Italian, Japanese

A great poet once said that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but oh would he eat his words at the sight of her. Her eyes, like forget me nots and untouched glaciers. Large like icebergs and clear as the arctic ocean. Her lines like a dropped coupe and lips like the fingers that reach to gather the broken pieces: stained red. A dancer like her mother, with limbs of silk and satin skin. Untouched by mere mortal ailments, it's ichor that runs through her veins. She sips ambrosia with Aphrodite, trades secrets with Hebe, and even catches the eye of vain Narcissus. A body as endless and thin as Adriande's gift to her dear Theseus. Were she not blessed by Aphrodite herself, Angelique would be the envy of the goddess.
Her hair drips like honey in hot summer sun against skin kissed by Helios himself, flaxen as scythed wheat and glittering as polished citrine. Though her skin may not be porcelain a smile might crack the perfect visage, save for when she performs. Polished pearls for teeth dazzle in the limelight and Apollo loves this dear soul. When she enters a room light is drawn to her as if she is the darkest thing there, and yet she shines. It is not just her features and figure that draw the eyes but her movement. She is poetry and song in mortal form, grace personified.

"Look at my long clean coat... at my pretty pretty bird pretty pink legs, track me cross sky highway, take a picture I beg you take a picture, pretty bird pretty bird, my left side is my best side, I have a best side, I have a better half... I am a half"
- Shay Alexi Stewart
Body Type:
122 lbs
Golden blonde
Cornflower blue
Lightly Tan
Lauren de Graff
Angel isn't dying for the newest in fashion or the most expensive designer handbag her parent's money can buy. Sure her closet is full of designer items, but she isn't basing her choices on how many zeros are on the price tag or the name associated with the clothing. Her sole interests are quality and style. Her style is very classic and elegant, on occasion she'll go for statement pieces and things that catch the eye. She loves vintage pieces and adores some older aesthetics as well. She knows herself and it's rare she doesn't look expertly put together. With parents such as hers no one is surprised that she looks effortlessly perfect every moment.
Besides the clothes she puts on her body Angel invests in more than just that. She's incredibly strict when it comes to skin care and diet, though not dangerously so. She loves perfume and always chooses delicate scents. Her choices are floral, fresh or sweet, and yet again she goes for quality over a fancy name.
"not all that glitters is gold"
- J. R. R. Tolkien

This angelic girl has no sob story to blame for her flaws, nor would she blame her own actions on another. By nature or by nurture, she is a perfectionist. Growing up around people worthy of such admiration she's decided she has to become one of them. Nothing will stop her from achieving her goals, which has proved detrimental to her body and mind on many occasions. She's obsessed with perception and the need to control it. Rather than turn to manipulation Angelique has turned inwards. She requires the utmost from herself and has achieved great things because of it. Overall she is a rather positive person, encouraging herself and others. Angel has very much become that girl, the one to which flawlessness comes effortlessly. Or so it seems.